November 22, 2012

DRAC - Theory

I have heard about this sometime ago. 

DRAC or ...


theory talks about human nature/response when something new is introduced into one's way of life. 

We see this especially in the consulting industry. 
Why and where?

As system integrators we try and bring new products into an enterprise. While doing so we hear a lot of negative criticism about the new products in many ways. However, the DRAC cycle completely applies. After a while people start to accept it and comply.

October 26, 2012

Certification/Attestation on an iPad

Some innovations are smart. One of Oracle's partner did something really smarter. 

For those who do not understand what Identity Governance or Certifications or Attestations or Access Reviews, it is a process of ensuring that every individual is verified to check if he/she has the right accesses to the systems according to his job role and also to check and remediate unnecessary/toxic ones.

Oracle has a cool product to help Organizations solve this issue/problem of Certification. Its web based. Now a partner brought this to an iPad. I wouldn't like to talk anymore but let you watch the video. It would be very interesting for you if you already know a little bit about Oracle Identity Analytics

Oracle Identity Governance - Assets

If you are in the space of Identity Management and work for Oracle products, you certainly want to visit the Assets page on OTN.

In today's market who else provides intelligence to public just as Oracle does? :-)

October 4, 2012

Migrating from VMWare to Oracle Virtual Box

There is a good article on how to migrate. But the caveat is the tool eats up all the VMDK files and turns them to VBox files. So please make a copy of the VM before you follow this.

July 20, 2012

Oracle Identity Governance - R2 is out

The most awaited and iconic release of Oracle Identity Governance Platform solution just happened. Go ahead and start reading about it on the OTN. Use #OracleIDM on twitter to read more about expert views.