October 1, 2008

"Indiscipline" has taken over good part of the Software Industry

During my college days, the computer illiterates use to call me a good programmer and under that assumption I used to be in a hurry to keep the name going on. Once there was a task given and we were coding in C. As usual in my hurry to complete it first and faster, I have completed the program. There I press "CTRL+F9" just to see some garbage. Wondering what would have gone wrong I quickly checked the 100 lines of code. Couldn't find an error. My professor came in and started debugging, rather just checking the functionality. In the mean time I think good number of people in my class somehow completed the program.

Still my prof scrolling up and down ... and suddenly I see that I have missed the "&" before the variable name in the "scanf" statement. :-)

That was history, however this is what is happening in the industry today. People are always in a hurry to see their product selling in the market, and in that hurry the programmers deadlines are pushed and what one gets into the market is a faulty product. The sales guy sells it, cos he knows how to handle the POC and a foolish partner picks up the product to implement.

Tough times start when actually people start implementing it.

In the other scenario, these days, people are in such a hurry to implement and show how great they are to their customers; architects are not even making design documents. Finally they mess up the project and somehow deliver some nonsense. If you have read my previous article, its because of such hasty implementations in past the future becomes grim and even after knowing this, people repeat mistakes.

To conclude ... I want to write about a funny experience I had ...
Once when I was taking up a final lab exam for a batch of Electronics engineering, a girl submitted her observations to me. The few details were
Project: Implementation of logical gates using circuits and verifying results.
1. The connections should be tight
2. Readings should be taken without parallax error.

I asked two simple questions.
How do you get parallax error when you have a result of 1 if light glows and a result of 0 if it doesn't?
When from did you start having losses in results if the connections were not tight in electronic experiments?

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