April 4, 2007

My Visit to Symbiosis

Its a moment of pride. I was invited by Symbiosis Center for IT, to deliver a lecture on Identity and Access Management. I was delighted about it. I was there on 31st March at SCIT, Pune. Spoke about almost every piece of detail related to IdM. However, as everyone understands, IdM is all about compliance and talking rules, especially listening such stuff, you know becomes boring. I am sure the students were a little bit patient to hear all that.

However, it was a great feeling, to lecture at a place, where I was a student longtime back. Hope to have such many other momentous occassions.


  1. i would like to know what is this identity and access management???

  2. I am sure it must have been a great feeling for you to stand on the other side of the class.
    Hey did you sit outside mess and spread all the wisdom, like you used to??? Just kidding ;)


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